Biomedical Research Center of the SAS, Slovakia, EU

Position: Head of the Laboratory of Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis, Cancer Research Institute, Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, EU

Specialization: cell and molecular biology, genetics, genetic toxicology, chemical mutagenesis and carcinogenesis, nanotoxicology

Dr. Gabelova will present the invited lecture at the Session D – Monitoring and toxicity of nanomaterials.

Personal and professional background:
Alena Gabelova, PhD. graduated in biology - genetics at the Comenius University, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia. In 1989 she was awarded the PhD. degree. As a post-doc she visited several reputable institutes - the Rowett Research Institute (UK), Institute Curie (France), Institute of Hygiene and Toxicology (Germany). Since 2004 she is the Head of the Laboratory of Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis at the Cancer Research Institute, BMC SAS.

She is/was the partner in several EU-funded projects - H2020 (HISENTS), FP7 ERA-Net INNOCENT, FP5 (EXPAH, WP Leader), Copernicus and Inco-Copernicus, tri- and bi-lateral projects, and is/was the Principal Investigator in numerous national projects. She was the national representative and scientific manager in the TRANSCAN project (FP7 ERA-NET, 2011-2014), since 2014 she is a member of the Board of the Programme SASPRO (FR7 co-funded by the Maria Curie Action and the Slovak Academy of Sciences) and since 2016 she is a national delegate in COST Action - hCOMET.

Publication activity:
She is an author or co-author of more than 90 publications and 2 book chapters with more than 650 citations (without autocitations). She is/was supervisor of 6 PhD. students and at least 16 Master Theses. Thesis in genetics. Since 2009 she is listed as an expert in nanotoxicology in SR for EFSA. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Neoplasma.

Relevant publications:
