Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jiří TUČEK

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jiří TUČEK

Palacky University in Olomouc, RCPTM, Czech Republic, EU

Position: Head of the “Magnetic Group” at the Regional Centre of Advanced Technology and Materials, Faculty of Science, Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, EU

Specialization: Magnetisms of Nanosystems

At the NANOCON´17 conference Assoc. Prof. Jiří Tuček will present the invited lecture at the Session A - Nanomaterials for Electronic, Magnetic and Optic Applications, Carbon Nanostructures, Quantum Dots.

Education and Employment:
Jiří Tuček studied physics at the Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic (MSc. and Ph.D.). Since 2008 he is the Associate Professor at the Department of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Science, Palacky University in Olomouc (CZ). And since 2013 he works also as a Senior Researcher at the Regional Centre of Advanced Technology and Materials, Faculty of Science, Palacky University in Olomouc (CZ), actually at the position of the head of the “Magnetic Group”.

Research Interests:

Publication activity:
Author and co-author of 120 articles, indexed in the Web of Science database with 2285 citations in total and h-index of 24; Co-editor of 4 conference proceedings from the international colloquium “Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Materials Science”; Co-author of 1 article in the book.

Applied research results:

2015: The Zasshi-kai Lectureship Award - Award for young scientists for the contribution in the field of magnetism of nanostructured objects (part-time Visiting Professor at the Tokyo University).

2015: Elected as IBAME (International Board on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect) member for CZ.

A list of selected (5) publications:
[1] J. Tuček, K. Holá, A. B. Bourlinos, P. Blonski, A. Bakandritsos, J. Ugolotti, M. Dubecky, F. Karlicky, V. Ranc, K. Cepe, M. Otyepka, R. Zboril, Room Temperature Organic Magnets Derived from sp3 Functionalized Graphene. Nat. Commun. 8, 2017, 14525, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14525

[2] J. Tuček, Z. Sofer, D. Bousa, M. Pumera, K. Hola, A. Mala, K. Polakova, M. Havrdova, K. Cepe, O. Tomanec, R. Zboril, Air-Stable Superparamagnetic Metal Nanoparticles Entrapped in Graphene Oxide Matrix. Nat. Commun. 7, 2016, 12879, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12879

[3] P. Błoński, J. Tuček, Z. Sofer, V. Mazánek, M. Petr, M. Pumera, M. Otyepka, R. Zbořil, Doping with Graphitic Nitrogen Triggers Ferromagnetism in Graphene. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 3171-3180, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b12934.

[4] J. Tucek, P. Blonski, Z. Sofer, P. Simek, M. Petr, M. Pumera, M. Otyepka, R. Zboril, Sulfur Doping Induces Strong Ferromagnetic Ordering in Graphene: Effect of Concentration and Substitution Mechanism. Adv. Mater. 28, 2016, 5045-5053, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201600939

[5] N. Liaros, J. Tucek, K. Dimos, A. Bakandritsos, K. S. Andrikopoulos, D. Gournis, R. Zboril, S. Couris, The Effect of the Degree of Oxidation on Broadband Nonlinear Absorption and Ferromagnetic Ordering in Graphene Oxide. Nanoscale 8, 2016, 2908-2917, DOI: 10.1039/c5nr07832f
